Ткани Sanderson
- Abracazoo
- Aegean
- Arley
- Art of the Garden
- Ashridge Weaves
- Autumn Prints
- Bay Willow
- Beautiful Balloons
- Boho Velvets
- Bramley Checks
- Byron Wool Plains
- Byron Wools
- Cape Plain
- Caverley Prints
- Cherwell
- Chika Prints
- Chika Weaves
- Chino
- Chiswick Grove
- Coppelia
- Country Linens
- Country Stripes
- Elysian
- Embleton Bay
- Embleton Bay Weaves
- Fabienne Prints & Embroideries
- Henley
- Herring
- Highlands
- Icaria Velvets
- Islay Wools
- Kerry Weaves
- Lagom
- Leila
- Levens
- Linden Weaves
- Lymington Damask
- Lyric II
- Maida
- Maycott Prints
- Moorbank Plains
- Musette
- Options 10
- Options 10 Embroideries
- Palm Grove
- Papavera Plains
- Papavera Prints & Embroideries
- Port Isaac
- Potton Wood
- Richmond Hill
- Richmond Hill Weaves
- Savary Weaves
- Sojourn Prints & Embroideries
- Sojourn Weaves
- Sorilla Damask Weaves
- Tessella Weaves
- The Potting Room Prints and Embroideries
- The Potting Room Weaves
- Tuscany Weaves
- Vibeke
- Vintage
- Vintage 2 Prints
- Waterperry
- Woodland Plains
- Woodland Walk